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Hether for Travels


Travel Industry

Book travels with crypto! allows you to book your flights and hotes with cryptocurrences including Polygon’s USDC.

Travel and earn!
When you join traval through this link , you will get an extra $25 after making a booking for $400 or more.

Book your travel experience with Travala using Hether or your favourite cryptocurrency.

Game Industry

The concept of virtual time travel developed and elaborated through DLT game

Games use NFTs as part of the games elements, not only to be used a in-game utility items, but also to give players  a real world value in a play-to-earn system.

Polygon token is used used to facilitate game transctions

Decentralized EXchange (DEX)

A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a type of cryptocurrency exchange that operates in a decentralized manner, meaning that it allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies without the need for an intermediary or a central authority.


Holo Space Travel

Holo Time Travel

Holo World Travel

Holo Continental Travel


Holo Beds

Automated treatment stations using lasers and robotic arms, with hermetic shields, containment cords, vital sign sensors, a laser scalpel, and the ability to diagnose and treat various conditions including cancer, infections, and wounds. They can also regenerate cells, perform age regression via DNA modification, and crossbreed human DNA with other species. Secret space program bases use them, with some even capable of creating false memories through visuals.

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